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  1. Thanks coach. Did you always run your Tackle Trap to the TE side?
  2. Coach E, I was re-reading some of the old posts that you'd made on Tackle Trap and one of the reasons that you mentioned that you really liked the Tackle Trap block was that you could always use a Trick on the player who was being trapped. In using that, did you ever have an issue with the player outside of the Trick being able to get to the inside linebacker? For example, if you were running Tackle Trap to the TE side against a traditional 4-3 where you were going to trap the 3T, was it ever an issue with the PST being able to get to the Mike LB as far removed inside as he is?
  3. Coach Derz, were you running Space off a 3 step or 5 step timing?
  4. Guys, I apologize but the videos were set to private initially. They should be viewable now.
  5. Coachmot, Here is a link of a presentation for our PAP we ran off of Bucksweep a few years back. When you go "Slideshow" you should be able to play the videos that are linked. Hopefully this is helpful. SWEEP PASS LINK
  6. Coach, I'll preface this saying do what Coach E says on the phone call. There is simply no one better out there when it comes to this offense. Here is what we first did when we put this offense in in 2012 with regards to the running game. Rocket - Multiple Tags with Blocking Scheme Sally - Our Counter Belly Down Trap - To/Opposite Motion We weren't great, but we scored a touchdown more a game than we did the year before. In your case I'd think about cutting the Buck series. We got to it our second year running the offense and it was a great addition to protect Down (and also motion Buck allowed for some nice conflict with what motion normally mean in our offense). What we did use a bunch of was Coach Elrod's formations. We threw as many as we could for window dressing since we weren't doing a bunch. Going back and rethinking it the only thing I'd probably change was our Counter. Sally was a horrible play for us and allowed some teams to really overplay our motion. We were a pretty good Rocket/Down/Belly team but didn't have much to make teams play opposite of our motion.
  7. As jsanny said Belly is a great option, as is PAP if he is going to be bent on stopping Jet. To get Jet going I'd look at using some of the Close/Snug formations Coach E has talked about (like Nasty Robin/Eagle) and you may be able to get an angle to pin him with the Nasty aligned WR.
  8. Coach, here you go. Let me know if you have any questions. Wynford Playsheet Google Drive Grove Ready List Google Drive
  9. Here are a couple that I've used. I have the links I can share on Google if you have any interest in them. Grove Ready List - Google Sheets.pdf Wynford Playsheet - Google Sheets.pdf Wynford Playsheet - Google Sheets.pdf
  10. I remember talking to a coach about 10-15 years ago who based out of the I Wing. If I recall correctly he kind of based things around the Strong Side Toss and Strong Side Counter Trey. The Strong Side Toss was TB Toss, FB Down (Belly-G) and WB Counter Trey The Strong Side Counter was TB Counter Trey Strong, Trap Strong, Waggle Weak. I know there was probably more to that but those are the big things that I remember him saying.
  11. Coach Elrod, I know you've posted on this before but why do you prefer the Belly Sweep over the Buck Sweep? Is this even if you are using Northern/Southern and East/West Sets as your primary Buck sets (to get that PSLB blocked by someone other than the PSG)? We've used a lot of that idea (not necessarily those formations since we are more of a 11P Gun Team) to make sure that our Nasty SE can block the PSLB and it's been very successful, for us.
  12. Coach, what were the big things you focused on, offensively in the first year?
  13. CoachSpencer, I'd be interested to hear how you created a cheap version of Inside Zone.
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