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  1. Coach E on point as always, I like jet motion better just because we run more jet.
  2. Listened to B.W. Holt at a clinic last weekend talking about his 8 man wing-t, good stuff!!
  3. I agree, when we've been gun wing we are still under center 10-15% of time. I still like jet better from under center.
  4. Coach, How familiar are you with the shotgun wing-t that has become somewhat popular recently, kind of a spread side and a closed side, I really like it. I'd like to know your thoughts on it.
  5. I don't understand the stigma that wing teams can't win big, just doesn't make sense to me. In North Carolina, there are wing teams in all four classifications deep into the playoffs every year. A lot of young coaches at struggling schools could really benefit from implementing wing concepts, I guess so many just want to do what they see on TV.
  6. How many wing-t teams are in your area, I'm in central North Carolina, we probably have 8 to 10 within a one hour radius of my location. We have a lot more spread teams than wing like most areas, but I think wing based offenses are making a comeback to some extent.
  7. We didn't run rocket from under center that year, only jet. Counter off of rocket was decent, blocket it like criss-cross.
  8. We had some success a couple of years ago with gun rocket, we didn't reverse the QB though, our pitch looked similar to speed option. Ran a little wing counter trap off of the rocket motion.
  9. Have a practice plan, give a copy to each coach before the start of practice, each coach should have their INDY time planned out and set up. Using the grid for my linemen at practice has been the best thing I've done recently.
  10. I've accepted the job at a small private school that will start as an 8 man team in our area (central North Carolina), going to try to stay as much hybrid wing as possible. I think I have some decent ideas, should be fun.
  11. Ok, I was thinking W meant wingback, that's why I had a wham block in mind. Thanks.
  12. Crashonbuck, are you talking about a wham type block?
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